Before we came on outreach, weeks beforehand in fact, our team spent time praying and interceding for all that was to come. We really wanted to know God's guidance and heart for where we would be going. It was because of this we felt we should find a pastor in Kamalasha, near Kaniki, to work with and it was there we started seeing God do miracles - restoring a girls sight, healing a boy so he could walk for the first time etc! God also gave many of the team pictures in that time, of people and specific places He wanted to use us. So it has been amazing these last 2 days to see some of those places in reality!
In Zambia there are plenty of interesting shop names and as in the case above👆🏻that often makes it easy to start conversations about Jesus. This shop keeper, for example, wasn't actually a butcher but had been given the small premises to use and hadn't yet changed the name. However, when we were drawn to speak to him, he told us how just the night before he had been worrying about whether he was good enough to go to heaven - it was so great to be able to explain to him what God's grace is all about and to see this young man then ask to have Jesus in his life!
On the same day we met this young shopkeeper, we were also led to speak to an older gentleman who was sitting under a tree with a tire hanging next to him (as it was much like a scene Tim had seen during a prayer time months ago). The man was greatly encouraged by our visit and then today another part of the same picture Tim had seen also led to fruit. Tim had pictured in his mind a red building with a name written on the side beginning with ‘U’. So today when Tim saw a building like it, whose logo was actually a big ‘U’, he felt prompted to investigate. To enter the building you had to go up 3 flights of steps and when he reached the top immediately Tim saw a man waiting there. He’d had a stroke and clearly needed help getting down the stairs. Tim took him down step by step and was able to share God’s love with the man as they went. It felt like an amazing, divine appointment!
Over the last couple of days we have seen God lead us time again to people who have responded to Him, received salvation and healing too. We were led to a married couple in their 80's who were sitting under a Tamarind tree that, again, we had felt we should look out for, and both of them were healed - the wife of pains in her chest and breathing and her husband of pains in his leg and back. It was great to see them standing and stretching and smiling at how different they felt!
The fruit above 👆🏻is not a tamarind fruit but something else known as 'Monkey Brains'. We bought them yesterday as Tim was keen to have a taste. If you want to see that moment you can click here:
Despite Tim saying he enjoyed the flavour, he spent the night regretting it, with frequent trips to the bathroom required. Considering his stomach wasn't much better today, it was really great that the day was so fruitful in terms of ministry (and that he didn't need the spare clothes he packed -again by the grace of God!).
👆🏻Cooling off at a nearby pool when the 31-40+ degree heat 🥵 got too much 😎
Please keep praying for us as we head to Zimbabwe next week, we have a tight budget Gemma has been working with 👆🏻and we really want it to be a great last week of outreach for the team. We so appreciate all your love and support!
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