Lots of Love

Published on 16 August 2023 at 08:43

Since our last update we’ve been learning lots about love. As well as celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary on the 1st August (by sharing a chocolate bar) we’ve had 2 weeks since of lectures focusing mostly on God’s love for us and how much it affects us and our various relationships.  We then had a ‘love feast’ which, despite raising a few eyebrows when it was first mentioned, turned out to be a family friendly talent show with lots of lovely food. Our contributions included Hannah singing a song with her friend Tami, Gemma reading a poem about all the students on the DTS, and Tim using his Diabolo before Abigail ‘reading his mind’ in a card trick finale!

We’ve also done more church services, hospital visits, art work, canoeing and some unexpected fire-fighting. Even though it’s cold, the dry grass can still catch fire easily and so on a couple of occasions this last week we’ve had to quickly fill up buckets to douse the flames. Thankfully no damage has yet been done.

All our ministries so far have been well received with lots of people becoming Christians and at least 2 people being physically healed on the spot as they were prayed for. One of them was in hospital at the time and couldn’t stop jumping around in excitement at the thought of being able to finally go home.

We’re off to Lusaka for a YWAM conference starting this Friday and with our vehicle situation still not resolved we’re really glad that some friends here, who’ve gone to visit the U.K. for a few weeks, have leant us their car to use for the 6.5 hour drive to the capital city and back. (We were also able to stay in their house over this last weekend which was a real treat - just to be the 4 of us for a day or so).

As always, we’re so grateful for your support and hope you are all doing well.

Our prayer for you all is the same as Paul when he wrote: “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13:14


If you want see a couple more videos / slide shows, you can view a couple of short ones here...



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