After months of waiting, contacting our local MP (who then wrote directly to the Home Office), and after lots of prayer... dn dn dah!!! - Gemma's DBS certificate has finally been reissued, printed and actually posted through our front door!!!!
It's amazing! Not only does this finally mean we can now apply for Gemma to have her own Zambian work permit but today we also received news that the 35 year old Landcruiser we've been wondering about buying when we get to Zambia has been found to be in great condition and should be ready for us to use as soon as we need to! - These are such big things to us! And what a day for this news to come...
Many many months ago, before we knew our plans for Zambia, we booked a trip to Rome to celebrate Gemma's 40th Birthday (in just a few days time on 3rd June). And today we flew out. What a great way to start a few days rest but with such excellent news!! Thanks everyone for praying! 🙌
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